Thursday, November 5, 2009

November Quizatron!!!

So, here's the deal, I put quotes up from ten books I've read that may or may not have been reviewed, and you comment back with the title. Then, I will post the name of the first person who will be the Weekly Winner. Ready to play? Here are the quotes:

1. Meggie stuck her chin out. "She can see it, but you hide it from me!" she said.
2. "Are you Saphira?" She looked at him with intelligent eyes. Deep in his mind he felt her satisfaction. Yes.
3. "No," Lyra said. "We just got here. I en't seen Billy for months."
4. "Take it Cooper. they won let you inna dogs' bathhouse till you're no puppy, 'less you've got one of these."
5. Roach whispered to his moss. "I won't be back," he explained. "Third time's cursed. I'll get the mines, or galleys, or shipyards. 'Less I break out, it's for life."
6. She grinned. "You should've been Alanna. They always teach girls magic-" The thought hit her so suddenly that she gasped. "Thom. that's it!"
7. "Tkaa, this is Keladry of Mindelan," said Neal. "Kel, Tkaa is a basilisk. He's also one of our instructors in the ways of the immortals."
8. "I'll bet you a copper crescent my dancing for the fish don't do a whisper of good," Pasco told his friend.
9. This was not an internal aspect of the matcher; this was something else. Well, well, Aly thought amazed. I have a
10. Daine scowled. "Odd's bobs, this is a strange place! Knights who say call 'em by their first name and wizards
that light tinder and queens that run around dressed like
real people-"

Good Luck! Bona Fortuna!

*This Quizatron is not operational anymore, but you can test yourself with it.


  1. 2. Eragon
    3. The Amber Spyglass
    4. Terrier
    6. Alanna: The First Adventure
    7. First Test
    9. Trickers Choice
    10. Wild Magic
